Revamping your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

There is something extraordinary happening on LinkedIn. Here at The Forum, we want all of our clients to know about it. In 2020, due in large part to the pandemic, digital marketing spiked within many industries. The LinkedIn platform has now emerged as a primary tool for generating leads, launching marketing campaigns, and promoting businesses. If you work in the B2B world, chances are, you’re missing out if you lack a LinkedIn presence. Below are the things you need to know about LinkedIn right now and how to build those critical sales leads.

How to Use LinkedIn for Marketing and Lead Generation

There are many ways to communicate the value of your business on LinkedIn. Below, we’ll explore a few of our favorites: targeted paid advertising, the hot LinkedIn Stories feature, the new Featured Section, and more.

LinkedIn Paid Ads

There are 690 million people currently using LinkedIn and its business marketing tools. 63 million of them are what LinkedIn refer to as “decision-makers.” That is a great deal of opportunity for you and your company. Paid advertising on LinkedIn can be customized to target different age groups, job titles, industries, and more. You might just end up with the ideal business persona—or two!

LinkedIn Stories Debut

Similar to Instagram, LinkedIn Stories allow photos and 20-second videos that appear within the app and remain available for just 24 hours. Even cooler? First-degree contacts and followers can send direct messages in response to a story. You can leverage the Stories tool to express some personality and establish the authenticity of your brand.

Featured Section

The Featured Section is another brand-new option for individual users. It is NOT available for groups or company pages, but everyone from CEOs to employees can highlight their favorite work here. You can do things including boasting awards or adding media mentions. Remember—your staff is a big part of your brand, so encourage them to feature your website using this tool and maybe even link back to some compelling content.

LinkedIn Platform Bonus: New Analytics!

In addition to all of the exciting news above, LinkedIn has also debuted “Website Demographics.” Users can get a comprehensive breakdown of the users coming to their LinkedIn page. Filter visitors by industry, job title, geographic region, and much more. This is a great way to see if your targeted ads, for example, are hitting the bullseye or missing the mark.

If LinkedIn still seems a little intimidating, The Forum—a San Diego-based digital marketing agency—can help you to build marketing or social media strategies with help from our resident marketing experts. Clients are seeing great results and we’d love to do the same for you. Click here to reach out for some assistance. 

Every month or so, The Forum will profile a different social media platform and detail its advantages. Keep up with the latest in Southern California marketing and public relations here.


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